Blog #26 The Merging Of The Sound & Vibration Phenomena

From my personnel experience, we now arrive at the very pinnacle of all the accumulated Events along the Continuum. It's best described as, Merging Sound & Vibration Phenomena. Once activated, the rapidly occurring DLES may potentially result in an Out Of Body Experience. Explore the steps involved in this Phenomena.

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Blog #25 The Two Components of the DLES: Sound & Vibrations

The DLES (Definingly Loud Explosive Sound), can result in an Out Of Body experience. The DLES is comprised of two distinct yet intertwined components. The two components are Sound & Vibrations. The Sound component can precipitate the Vibration component, which can then result in an Out Of Body experience.

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Blog #24 DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Skull

Prior to an Out Of Body experience, you may experience an Accumulation Of Energy within your skull. This Energy might rapidly travel through your skull, resulting in the following sequence of events. A deafening loud sound; Voiding out of your senses; Intense vibrations; an Out Of Body experience!

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Blog #21 Cat/Rat Out Of Body Dream Symbols

As the dream Continuum progresses, the corresponding Cat/Rat dream symbols simultaneously changes to correspond with the Continuum.  Once the Tree was added to the dream scenery, the Tree becomes a pivotal dream symbol.  The Tree symbolizes the Continuum has advanced & preparations are in place to produce an Out Of Body

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Blog #14 The Void Out

During the Out Of Body Void Out, the following functions briefly disappear from awareness: My bodily physical sensations, My five senses, All emotional processes, All mental processes including my thoughts, My need to think. The Void Out produces keen awareness. I’ll describe it as Bliss!

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Blog #13 Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES)

The next major category along the Continuum is the Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound. The Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (aka DLES), is an explosion of deafening sound that results in a Void Out. I termed it the Void Out because once it occurs, the explosive rush of sound drowns out everything audible.

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Blog #9 Detailed Discussions on Specific Continuum Events

The next sound along the Continuum I coined the “Purr”. Out Of Body Purring Sounds resembles a drum roll, where the drum surface is padded with a thick blanket. This blanket will stifle the drumming sound. The Purr can also be described as a quiet Purring of a kitten.

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Blog #7 What Is The Continuum?

Out Of Body Sound Continuum There are many methods of communicating ideas between people.  It becomes increasingly difficult to communicate concepts when the topic is one that transcends the normal experience.  When themes center on dreams, spiritual ideas or events not accessible to our senses, communicating ideas is more difficult. …

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Blog #6 Dream Imagery & Dream Symbols

Dream Imagery/Symbols Upon completing the last Blog, I mentioned how Dream Images & Dream Symbols can represent Out Of Body Sounds experienced.  It makes little difference whether I was lucid dreaming or unconsciously dreaming.  Regardless of the mental processes taking place during the dream, some of these Imagery/Symbols were related…

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