Blog #30B Website Temporarily Suspended

What new format should be used on this Blog???

Website Temporarily Suspended

On September 20, 2021, my website was temporarily suspended due to financial matter with the Web Host provider.  I was charged a fee for a service I repeatedly told the Web Host I did not want.  Eventually, I complained to the Credit Card Company.  This resulted with the Web Host provider being charged a fee for this erroneous charge.  As a result, my website was suspended until this financial matter was resolved.  The problem was exacerbated in part because the Credit Card Company took a lengthy time to resolve this financial issue.

When all the dust was settled, I was obliged to reimburse my Web Host provider this nominal fee charged by the credit card company.  My website was then reinstated approximately November 13, 2021.  That being done, by the time my site was reinstated, I missed posting Blogs for October & November.  After my site was reinstated, I decided to take a hiatus to gather my thoughts about the future of this Blog.  My conclusion was based on two factors.  The lack of Subscribers & lack of Subscriber participation.

I’m Not On A Pity Pot

No, I’m not on a pity pot.  I accept that my poor Subscriber participation is based on the poor quality of this Blog.  None-the-less, this entire episode made my reappraises the Blog as a whole.  I’ve decided to change the direction of the Blog and will attempt to improve the content quality of this Blog.  Formally, I was publishing Blogs monthly.  I always realized that monthly Blogs were too cumbersome for me to maintain.  Therefore I’ve decided to consider publishing Blogs Quarterly instead of Monthly Blogs.  With the extra time to write the Blog, this should aide in improving the content & quality of the Blog.

I considered requesting Subscribers to respond to an assortment of questions that could aide me in improving the Blog.  However, instead of bombarding you with a lengthy questionnaire, I prefer the old fashion method of communication.  You can directly contact me with your comments/suggestions on the “Contact Us” page.  If you prefer, you can directly Email me at:

Thinking Out Of The Box Solutions

I will be employing “Out Of The Box” ideas to improve the quality of this Blog.  Eleven heads are better than one. Therefore I warmly welcome all the ideas that my Subscribership can muster.
                                                                                  I’m aquiver with anticipation of your suggestions!!!

Blog #31…”Continuum Related Dream Events part 3″  or “Essays Submitted By Subscribers” – Scheduled to be posted ???


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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