Transformation of the Soul, the Continuum & Dreams
The Soul, The Continuum & Dreams
I’ve decided to divide this Post topic into four separate Postings, the first is titled The Soul, The Continuum & Dreams. This series commences with Blog #19. Blog #19 is a brief introduction between the Soul, the Continuum & Dreams & its relationship with Out Of Body experiences. Commencing with Blog 20, I will introduce a dream that is representative of all the facets involved with the Continuum. This dream is titled, “The Cat/Rat Dream”. I will provide you a full spectrum of a dream interplay between the Soul, the Continuum & Dreams. Further detail will be provided in the subsequent three Blog Posts to follow.
Some clarification is needed pertaining to my assumption about the relationship between the Soul, the Continuum & Dreams. I posit that the Continuum is not the originator of the experiences that this website is about. The conclusion is that the activity surrounding the Completed DLES creates Events along the Continuum. In other words, the Continuum does not create activity along the Continuum. I posit the Continuum merely reflects the activity of the DLES.
Thermometer Metaphor
To further clarify, consider the metaphor of a simple oven thermometer. A thermometer does not cause the oven to become hot which results in a chicken being roasted. In fact, it is the hot stove oven that causes the chicken to be roasted. The thermometer merely indicates the degree of the oven’s temperature.
So it is in the relationship between The Soul, The Continuum & Dreams. I’ve concluded it is the Soul/Spirit activity that causes the movement along the Continuum. The Continuum is likened to the oven thermometer. The Continuum is only an indication that the Soul/Spirit has taken the initiative. If the Soul/Spirit takes a small step, a corresponding small movement will occur along the Continuum. Additionally, if the Soul/Spirit takes a larger step, (as indicative of a Completed DLES), then the Continuum produces a corresponding momentous Event, in this case, Void Out/Out Of Body Experience.
If I’m consciously aware that the Continuum is in progress, I’ll therefore actively experience the Events along the Continuum. However, I could be consciously unaware that the Continuum is in progress. This would occur if I’m unconsciously asleep. At that point, I’d then experience the Continuum via my dreams. As a result, the dream scenario would then correspond to the Events along the Continuum.
Other Factors Involved In Creating The Continuum
To reiterate, although the sleep state appears to cause the Continuum Events, I believe the sleeping dream state only reflects what has been caused by other factors. During the process of sleeping, at least these two factors help contribute to the Continuum’s occurrence:
1. Sleeping produces a receptive relaxed state to facilitate the Continuum. (Additionally, any other relaxed state such as meditation, prayer, & sublime nature walks can produce a relaxed state). Included should be the experience of a mother caressing her newly born infant. This too can create a sublime state needed for the Continuum to function. 2. Sleeping prevents your ego from interfering with this process, therefore the Continuum can proceed uninhibited.
An example of the meditative state leading to Continuum activity occurred one-night while I was in meditation. While meditating without even so much as a whisper of any sleepiness, I experienced the beginning phases of the Continuum. Namely, I experienced the Drop & the Flutters.
The Cat/Rat Dream Epitomizes The Interplay Of The Soul, The Continuum & Dreams
I have had many dreams representative of the Continuum activity. The dream I consider the epitome of the full range of Continuum activity is a dream titled, “The Cat/Rat” dream. This Cat/Rat dream includes virtually every aspect of the Continuum as described in this Post. The Cat/Rat dream includes:
1. The full range of Continuum sounds. 2. The sounds that correspond to the appropriate Dream scenery. 3. Traveling symbols. 4. Speed & the accompanying increase in velocity. 5. The Elevation/Descending symbols. 6. The crossing of the Border (Successful DLES). 7. A Void Out. 8. Acceleration of velocity & accumulating energy. 9. A successful Out Of Body episode.
The next Blog, Blog #20 will explore the Cat/Rat dream in more detail. Note that the next Blog will be posted in four weeks rather than the usual two week time periods.
Blog #20…”The Cat/Rat” – Scheduled to be posted November 15, 2020