Blog #23 A Second Look At The Vibrations Phenomena

Visual display of Vibrations
Out of body vibrations

A Second Look At The Vibrations Phenomena

My website’s analytics indicated that many Users/Visitors displayed an interest in the A Second Look At The Vibrations Phenomena.  It is with this in mind that this Blog is dedicated to the phenomena known as Vibrations.  I’ve concluded that some Internal/External factors precipitates these Vibrations.  These Internal/External factors goes beyond the scope of this Blog, therefore I will avoid unnecessarily complicating this Blog.  I’ll commence with an brief description & explanation describing A Second Look At The Vibrations Phenomena.

Minimal Rudiments Of The Vibrations

Bare in mind, Vibrations, Buzzing sound & Dream imagery are all meshed together within the same event.  therefore the following discussion will combine these Elements together just as they were recorded in my Journal.
1. Vibrations can be perceived Physical Sensation Of Vibrations on & perhaps even Inside your body.                                                                                    2. Vibrations has a Buzzing Sound component.                                                                                                                                                                              3. My own personal research demonstrates that Vibrations can also be expressed in Dream Imagery.  As a result, Vibrations can even be Symbolically represented during dreams.  I will discuss these three components in turn.

As I lay in bed, I experience a vibrating sensation along the surface of my skin.  In addition to this vibrating movement, there may also be a mild audible Buzzing sound accompanying the Vibrations.  therefore I’ll refer  to this vibrating sensation as the Finger Buzz.  This sensation feels like a mild electrical vibrating probe traversing across the surface of my body.  additional information pertaining to Out Of Body Vibrations/Sounds are linked here.

This Buzzing Sound Can Have One Of Two Qualities

In addition to hearing the audible Finger Buzz, the Buzz contacts the surface of my body.  Hence the name Finger Buzz.                                                          1. The first vibrating Finger Buzz quality is a high pitch buzz sound resembling a faint mosquito buzz.  If the buzzing sound resembles a mosquito buzz, the resulting accompanying vibration feels almost feather-like in quality.                                                                                                                                                2. The second vibrating Finger Buzz quality is a lower frequency pitch sound resembling a louder bee buzzing sound.  If the buzzing sound resembles a louder bee buzzing sound, the accompanying vibrations resembles a firm pencil traversing my body.

The Path Of The Vibrating Finger Buzz

1. The Finger Buzz usually commences by attaching itself to the top of my head, however it could commence on or off of my body.                                            2. It could then contact the surface of my skin whereupon it could remain stationary.                                                                                                                    3. This Finger Buzz could commence circulating on or even off the surface of my body yet the Buzz is none-the-less audible.                                                      4. It could then traverse down to circulate around my right arm.                                                                                                                                                        5. Then proceed to circulate my right leg.                                                                                                                                                                                        6. At that point, it could now traverse to circulate around my left leg.                                                                                                                                                7. Whereupon it could travel up to circulated around my left arm.                                                                                                                                                  8. It could eventually travel & terminate on the top left side of my head.  To view a graphic illustration the path the Finger Buzz traverses the body, follow this link.

                                                       Vibrations Represented as Dream Imagery/Symbols                                                                                                                                                     Dream 1

I once had a dream where strong Vibrations along with loud Buzzing sounds were both in progress.  The Vibrations and the Buzzing were incorporated into the Dream Scenery.  During this dream, the dream scenery contained a Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES) & Vibrations corresponding with the speeding locomotive.  The greater the intensity of the DLES, the more intense the Vibrations were physically felt.

The loud sound produced during this dream could awaken me from my Lucid Dream.  As a result, the Vibrations & the Tingling sensation experienced during the dream could continue to be felt upon awakening from this dream!  Even if I wasn’t Lucidly dreaming, upon waking, occasionally I’ve still felt Vibration/Tingly sensations experienced during the dream.  I obviously incorporated a facet from the dream Continuum directly into my wakened state.  I’ve included two links to explain the Tingling phenomena.

Dream 2 

  1. I commenced by laying consciously AWAKE in bed.  I begin to experience a vibration traveling across my body.                                                                      2. As I then drifted into a lucid dream, I incorporated the vibrations from my Conscious self directly into my lucid dream!  The incorporation of vibrations from the Awake conscious state directly into my dream occurred seamlessly & immediately.                                                                                                                3. I’ve entered a Lucid dream.  There is now a dream person moving their vibrating finger across my body.

If you desire to explore these areas in more depth, I’ve linked the following Blogs to the specific related topics.  For an overall peek at the Vibration Phenomena, start with Blog #12.  Immediately view Illustration #3 to visually see a Graphic representation of the onset & termination of the Vibrations.  You can explore additional facets of the Vibrations in Blog #22, Blog #18, Blog #16, Blog #15 & Blog #14.

Want to explore an alternative explanation of the Vibration phenomena and it’s possible relationship to consciousness?  Then review this article links to another explanation.

A Sneak Peek Of The Next Blog

Blog #24, “The DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Head”, will feature the Deafening Loud Explosive Sound (DLES), in more detail.  You can view a graphic illustration of where this “Energy” originates & terminates as it virtually Exploders through your head.  I’ve attached this Link containing a graphic illustration depicting the path the DLES energy takes as it travels within your head.  Take a quick peek.  Scheduled for publication on March 15, 2021.

Blog #24…”The DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Head” – Scheduled to be posted March 15, 2021                              


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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