Blog #30 Pre-Sleep Continuum Related Dream Events pt 2

A Man rising out of his body during sleeping
Man having a Pre-sleep Continuum Related Events

Review Of Pre-Sleep Continuum Related Dream Events

Allow me to review what Pre-Sleep Continuum Related Events are.  To aide you understand the concept of Continuum Events, navigate to this Link to review what are Continuum Related Dream Events.  All humans have the same basic building blocks.  As a result, Individual & Social related Symbols/Representations will comprise of these so called Events.  The specific symbolic representation are comprised of a multitude of factors, to include: Biology, DNA, Innate Intelligence & a Spirituality Dimension.  These building blocks are influenced by your Culture, World view, Geographic location, Family relationship etc.  None-the-less, the basic Archetype must be similar for all humans.  The Symbolisms change depending upon one’s culture, beliefs, societal positions etc.

Pre-Sleep Continuum Related Events From November 8, 1991

By the way, the last Blog, (Blog #29), pertained to Continuum related Events occurring while dreaming.  This Blog pertains to Continuum related Events occurring prior to you even falling asleep.  In other words, you’re completely Conscious as you lay in bed awake & alert!

What follows is my journal account of a Pre-Dream/Events I experienced on November 11, 1991.  Note the play of Symbols & Continuum Events symbolized during this dream.  I awoke from sleeping & while laying in bed & perceived that I’d soon experience an Out Of Body experience.  The Event leading to an Out Of Body experienced soon commenced with a  Buzzing Sound.  The Buzzing was more of a Steady quality, rather than a Wavy Sound that sometimes occurs.  For some reason, I anticipated that instead of Floating/Rising out of my body, I might simply Materialized somewhere in the bedroom.  While the Buzzing sound was in progress, once again, I perceived a Bright Light above my head.

As an aside, I perceived the light was so bright, that a sensation of wincing occurred.  Once the Bright Light terminated, I found myself having Materialized next to my bed.  Conscious while this Event was in progress, I considered forcing myself up to record this experience in my Journal.  However I decided to remain in this Conscious Lucid State while reminding myself to recall & record this experience as soon as I awaken.

Pre-Sleep Continuum Related Events From November 20, 1991

This Event commenced prior to falling asleep.  While laying conscious in bed, a Ringing sound occurred within 15 minutes.  While laying conscious in bed, a Ringing sound occurred within 15 minutes.  The manner of Ringing Sound had an Up & Down Wavy quality.  To hear a sample of that Wavy Sound, Sample this Link.  I’ve also Linked to Blog #9, describing the formation of this Wavy Sound phenomena in more detail.  Following a series of Wavy Ringing Sounds, I repositioned myself in bed.  Soon there after, another series of Wavy Ringing Sounds resumed, albeit  the sound volume was not as loud as the previous series.  While this Experience was in progress, I was able to hear actual sounds of cars outside my window.  I was also able to “Feel” the sensation of my body laying in bed while the Ringing/Buzzing sounds were in progress.  I believe this was the first time experiencing this Event while actually sensing my corporal body.  My intention was to experiment if I can experience an Out Of Body Episode while keeping my eyes closed & subtle body movements.  I decided to only subtly move one finger to see what would occur.  As expected, as soon as I gently budged one finger, all Continuum activities temporarily ceased.

Soon thereafter, I perceived Floating through the ceiling. This time, I did not experience a Bright Light above my head.  None-the-less I soon discovered myself next to my bed.  At this time, I experimented seeking answers to major questions I’d been unable to resolve.  While viewing my Physical Body laying in bed, I perceived my Conscious was residing in my Subtle Body.  Since my Consciousness was with my Subtle Body, I directed these questions to my Subtle Body.  Although my Conscious Awareness was residing in the Subtle Body, I was ALSO aware that my Physical Body resting in bed, was also a part of my existence.  Eventually, I lapsed into a dream, yet I did not recall the specifics of the dream.  To sample more Out Of Body Sounds, experiment with the website’s  Out Of Body Sound Module.

Formula For Experiencing An Out Of Body Episode

Since the start of my journey, I’ve pondered if there’s a formula to help precipitate an Out Of Body Experience or any Events along the Continuum.  What follows may not constitute a hardened scientific formula, but instead is more of a procedure to make the possibility of these Events take place.

1- Being Relaxed, if not in a Fatigued state definitely helps.                                                                                                                                                            2- Contemplate/Meditate/Pray your intention immediately prior to falling asleep.  In my case, this occurred in the wee hours after midnight.  Meditate upon what you want to occur prior to, during & after sleeping.                                                                                                                                                              3- Utilize some procedure that increases the likelihood of an Event.  Do the same thing musicians do prior to a concert or athletic teams do prior to game begins.  Script what should generally occur.  While your laying in bed, Role play & Rehearse what will occur.                                                                           4- Lay in bed and follow through with your rehearsing.  For more Techniques on producing an Out Of Body Experience, follow this Link.

Role Play & Rehearse an Intention Unconsciously

What do I mean when suggest that you Role Play & Rehearse an Intention Unconsciously?  Quite simply, you have at least two manners of rehearsing.  Intellectual (Consciousness), & Innate Awareness (Unconscious).  I’ll illustrate these two manners of Rehearsing so that you’ll follow my line of thinking.  To describe these two techniques , I’ll illustrate with two entirely different mechanisms.  Learning how to hit a 100 mile an hour fast ball & learning how to play a guitar as you utilize both hands.  Both Intellectual (Conscious) & Innate Awareness (Unconscious) are employed to master these two disciplines.  I’ll first describe the Intellectual portion followed by the complementary Unconscious portion.

Hitting A 100 Mile An Hour Fastball

1- The Intellectual Conscious Rehearsing, means learning something while actively being mentally aware of what you’re practicing.  To hit a 100 mile an hour pitched fast ball is no mean skill.  You must approach the batter’s box with a clear intent of what you’re about to do.  You consciously preform a routine regimen of stretching, focusing, tuning out the dine of noise, employ your personnel relaxation technique, observe the pitcher winding up, the split milli-second before the ball is released, observe if you can pick up a tell-tale sign of his palm/hand/fingers/knuckles all of which might provide a glimmer if the ball will arrive straight of might be curving.  To employ these, you must be at least relaxed & focused.

The Unconscious Portion Of Hitting A 100 Mile An Hour Fastball

Next you must employ the more difficult Unconscious portion of this regimen.  The Innate Unconscious awareness.  Your Innate Unconscious Awareness commences a milli-second after the Conscious portion terminates.

2- The Innate Awareness Unconscious Rehearsing, portion of hitting a 100 mile per hour fastball now takes over.  A baseball is a spherical object.  There’s a difference between the bat contacting the ball directly in the mid point of the sphere, or contacting the ball an eighth of an inch off center.  Contacting the ball at the mid point of the sphere can result in a home run.  On the other hand, contacting the ball an eight if an inch above or below the mid point, can result in a ground out in the infield, or an outfield fly ball out.  The innate technique commences at the milli-second the Intellectual part of hitting a baseball is completed.
To begin,  relax your body muscles, consider briefly steadying your inhalation/exhalation until after the swing.  Focus upon the ball EMERGING from the pitcher’s hand/palm.  In almost a dream state, the final event you’re aware of is that your commencing the backward portion of the swing.  The next events occurs virtually unconsciously as you unconsciously react to the ball’s speed, direction & motion.  The entire process occurs in a fraction of a second & is beyond your mental ability to react to all contingencies.  This is why you must employ an Unconscious process to make good contact with the ball.  When I did this, it was tantamount to the time between wakefulness & falling asleep.  Not quite slow motion, but definitely not mentally alert either.  I did not recall the final 25 feet approach of the ball.  I’d regain all my mental faculties after the swing was completed.  It was as if that brief time period did not occur.  But it did.  Next, employing these techniques learning to play a flamenco guitar song.

Playing A Flamenco Guitar Song

1- All guitar rehearsing involves both Intellectual Consciousness & Innate Unconscious techniques.  The intellectual Conscious portion of learning a guitar song involves both viewing one hand but not viewing the rhythmic hand.  In my case, since I’m right handed, I practice a song by viewing where my left hand fingers are placed along the neck of the guitar.  It’s all mental.  I rehearse it 3-7 notes at a time, until I full understand what I’m playing.  Mentally, I’ll decides which finger presses the strings so that I’ll be in position to play the next finger position.  This is done to play the song flawlessly and without pauses.  Unlike a 100 mile an hour fastball, the mental portion is not as engaging.  However, the Unconscious portion of Flamenco is what spell bounds the audience.

2- Now, the Innate Unconscious Rehearsing of Flamenco guitar.  Flamenco guitar can involve what is refereed to as a Rasgueado.  In short, when listening to a Flamenco player, you may hear 100 notes played within 3 seconds.  (By the way, this is but one of the magic qualities of Flamenco guitar).  When a Flamenco guitar player plays 10 notes with is hand, they can simultaneously play 100 notes with the other hand.  To illustrate what actually being played by the guitarist, imagine this.  The guitarist plays the first note with the left hand, while the right hand strums 37 notes of Rasgueado.  The guitarist then plays notes 2 &3 with the left hand, whereupon they strum notes 38 – 42 with the right hand.  This can be done repeatedly & without ever viewing the right hand.  The Enigma is combining those two hands, while essentially only mental viewing the left hand playing only 10 notes.

The Answer To The Enigma

The answer.  The musician player can’t view the right hand, however thru repeated practice, can play all 100 notes within 3 seconds while mentally viewing only the left hand play 10 notes.  This is likened to slow motion & fast motion occurring simultaneously!  As with hitting a 100 mile an hour fastball, it can only be strummed Unconsciously.  It’s necessary to first learn how to play a Rasgueado without utilizing the other hand, so that you can master the rapid technique.  Then as you focus on the mental view of your left hand, strumming the Rasgueado flows unconsciously.  At first you rehearse slower lower rate then gradually progress up to a quicker rate.  Latter, to improve playing the song more efficiently, you can include the following techniques to your Innate Rehearsal: the emotions the song elicits, the feeling/sensation of where your right hand is located can unconsciously initiate the next Movement of the song.


Now you might ask what does baseball & guitar playing have to do with Pre-Sleep Continuum Events along the Continuum?  Everything!  As with experiencing Events along the Continuum, you must employ both Conscious & Unconscious techniques to increase the likelihood of Continuum Events.  Practicing for an Out Of Body Experience is no different than practicing hitting a baseball or playing Flamenco guitar Rasgueados.  One must work at the technique in order to master it.  I merely used examples of a physical hitting endeavor & a more subtle endeavor of complex guitar playing to illustrate the  point.  The point being that nothing in life is merely presented to you.  It entails work & effort to master.  For successful Out Of Body Experiences, utilize both your Conscious & Unconscious gifts to accomplish this.

*My open invitation for Subscribers/Members/Commenters to submit an essay for publication on this website remains in effect.  Thought provoking ideas are out there waiting to be Published.  I’ll post anything pertinent to the Theme of this website.  Send your essays to: or Contact me via this website’s “Contact Us” Form with your essays.  Please submit essays prior to October 7, 2021 to allow sufficient time to include your submission in the next Blog.

Join In The Fun!!! 

Blog #31…”Continuum Related Dream Events part 3″ or “Essays Submitted By Subscribers” – Scheduled to be posted October 15, 2021


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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