Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds
The variability and intimacy of the Out Of Body Purring sounds virtually gives way to a steady stream of Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds. An example of the Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds is linked here: https://outofbodysounds.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/5.mp3
The Buzz now has a life all it’s own and is independent of my mental processes. The Buzz is less variable in volume. However at times, the volume might increase, albeit it will not fluctuate in volume as often as the Purr. Unlike the Purr sound, the Buzz is unmistakably loud enough to be heard without any effort. The Buzz makes itself known! Unlike the ephemeral makeup of the Purr, the only way I could terminate the Buzz is with some type of gross physical movement. This gross physical movement is similar to a physical movement a lucid dreamer employs to terminate the lucid dream. Any gross physical movement will reintegrate you back into the your physical body, thereby terminating the Buzz.
Sounds Like A Bee Buzz or Mosquito Buzz
The Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds are liken to a bee buzzing. For instance, a bee flying five feet from your head, will produce a faint buzz. A louder Buzz would be the bee now flying only inches from your ear. The duration of the Buzz is longer in the duration of the Purr. The longest Buzz I’ve experienced was about thirty seconds in duration. However most Buzzes last shorter period of time before either advancing or retreating along the Continuum.
Progression From Purring Symbols To Buzzing Dream Symbols
If dream symbols corresponding to the Purr are stationary, then dream symbols corresponding to the Buzzes results in “Motion”. This “Motion” therefore signifies a continuation of the dream symbols that corresponds to the stationary Purring symbols. Movement dream symbols such as: being a passenger in a moving vehicle, train, motorcycle, plane or perhaps even walking, can represent a Buzz in progress. Other dream scenery pertaining to ascending/descending such as: stairways-ladders-hills-or even focusing on the elevated height of a tall building, represent a Buzz in progress.
Specific Dream Scenery Producing An Out Of Body Buzzing Sound
Dreams of traveling or ascending scenery, directly led to the commencing of these Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds. Often times, the volume of the Buzz would awaken me. However, if I remained motionless and did not open my eyes, I might become aware of this event in progress. The Buzz that originates during a dream, could remain quite audible once the Dream terminates. In other words, even though the dream is terminated, I am still aware of the Buzz in progress. This phenomenon could occur during unconscious dreaming or lucid dreams! The waking (I prefer the term “Alerting” since I actually did not open my eyes) greatly aided me to formulate conclusions about the relationship of dream symbols, sounds and the Continuum in general. If the dream was a lucid dream, I could then draw additional conclusions. This is because during lucid dreams, I’d consciously experience the Continuum prior, during & immediately following waking from the dream. This would aide me to help me draw conclusions about the Continuum’s nature.
Nature Of The Buzz
When the Buzz commences, it is still ephemeral. However once the Buzz becomes entrenched, it is now more constant & stable. Therefore it does not fluctuate as much as it did upon it’s creation. At this phase, the Buzz requires less effort to maintain. I now have the sensation that the Continuum is replacing my ego as I accept the experience. The louder version of the Buzz (more stable), is more likely to occur when I’m more relaxed. However I have also experienced the Buzz during meditation. Due to the increased volume, I’m more likely to be alerted while sleeping. At this point, the Buzz can be so loud , it is likened to an internal alarm clock.
This extremely loud Buzz is unable to remain at this increased volume indefinitely. At some point, the Continuum must either advance or retreat. The dream scenery at both lower/upper Buzz volume levels are similar. However, when the Buzz is at a louder level, the Dream scenery now changes. I’m now able to actually view my destination of arrival.
Three Examples Of Dream Symbols & The Buzz
I get onboard a train. The train begins to move then gathers speed. I view the scenery outside a window where I can now view the station of ARRIVAL. As the train arrives at the station the Buzz commenced. As an alternative, as the train arrives to the next station, the train tracks begin to elevate as if on a roller coaster. It is during this phase of ascending the the Buzz now gets louder.
Example #2
I’m walking along the avenue, a bus arrives. Just as the bus arrives, a loud Buzz commences.
Example #3
A train is rolling along the tracks. The train wheels produced a “Klickerty Klack” sound that moving train wheels produce. The “Klickerty Klack” sound becomes progressively more rapid and loud enough to awaken me directly to a loud Buzz sound. Conclusion: The Continuum converted the Buzz sound into a “Klickerty Klack” sound. Once I awakened, the original Buzz sound reasserted itself. I’ve attached two links to provide added insight into the interpretation of dream symbols. The first link offers a general info on dream interpretation. The second link is a video offering specific steps to dream interpretation.
The Stage Is Set
The stage is set for the next phase along the Continuum. The next phase is the “Floating”. During the dream, I might view myself floating. If I awakened at this point, I could discover myself hovering above the blankets. Obviously, my subconscious produced the dream scenery of myself Floating, to correspond to the Continuum events.
Relationship Between Conscious, Subconscious, Out Of Body Buzzing Sounds & The Continuum
The relationship of the Conscious, Subconscious, Out Of Body Sounds and the Continuum is fascinating. Since they are all part of the human experience, a fascinating question arises. Which part dominates and which part is merely reacting to the other. Do they cooperate or are they independent? Are these Out Of Body Sounds originating in your physical body, or some other “Subtle Ethereal” version of you? What is the relationship between the Physical & the Ethereal and which one actually predominates? Lucid dreaming can play an active role during these experiences. Since there is some conscious part during the lucid dream, how is intuition involved during the normal wake conscious state? Which part of our psyche is more active during the wake state? How are our emotions involved and even our automatic actions during emergencies?
Additional Dream Symbology
The next Blog will not only contain additional dream symbols, but will introduce Barrier/Borders & People/Groups repeatedly encountered in relationship to the Continuum Sounds. I conclude that all human beings experience similar phenomena. Are you skeptical about the existence of Out Of Body Sounds? You should now be wondering about your own dream symbols. Fascinating!
…To Be Continued
Blog 11… “Additional Dream Symbols” Scheduled to be posted June 7, 2020