Live & Sleep Consciously
I’ll present Blogs in a sequential step by step process to help you Live & Sleep Consciously. This in turn will increase the likelihood of you having an Out Of Body Experiences. This can be done when you Live & Sleep Consciously. I’ll also offer suggestions to increase Out Of Body Sounds. My experience taught me simple techniques that make it easier to have an out of body experience or lucid dreaming. By increasing your conscious awareness during the course of your daily activities, you’ll perform activities that foster these occurrences.
Real-Life Example
By quietly engaging in a conscious activity where you set a Passive Agenda for your next day prior to sleep. You could meditate; set goals of being aware upon awakening; setting positive goals for the following day; prayer; forgiving…etc. Anything that works for you, providing it uplifts or makes you more consciously aware. I’m in no way dogmatic on what you should do. Nor am I telling one to comply with any Isms or anyone’s religious beliefs. Routine events such as eating, sleeping, experiencing emotions, having a family, experiencing our senses, smelling flowers…etc, are common experiences. These human experiences require some sort of innate or learned effort to nurture & develop. We also require an effort to increase the likelihood of having an out of body experience.
Sleep Consciously & Have More Out Of Body Experiences
The method that works best for me is to engage in meditation prior to bedtime. While meditating, I’d entice myself to become lucid during the night’s dream OR to recall my dreams while shaving. This procedure included viewing my face as I washed my face, brushed my teeth, shaved or combed my hair. Viewing my face triggered the recollection of the night’s dream. It also fore-filled the intentions that I desired prior to falling asleep that night.
Additionally, as I departed my home, I’d became aware of my surroundings as never before. This enabled me to engage the morning from a different perspective. The stage would now be set to become more aware of the environment and to exist in a better place. My intent is to not simply be awake during the day but to be Lucidly Awake during the day. Now the habit of daytime lucidity carried over into the lucid dream state. Why you might ask did I want to sleep lucidly? Because once lucidly asleep, I could more easily facilitate Out Of Body Experiences and the sounds that sometimes accompany them.
Setting The Stage For Having An Out Of Body Experience
I once heard that while lucid dreaming, Albert Einstein seized that opportunity to complete a major Physic theory. When he completed his calculations, he willed himself awake then put to paper his realizations. Reportedly, it took him time to explain the results to himself then he could later explain it to his colleagues.
I don’t want to sound too dramatic, I only want to demonstrate that the stage needs to be set to have an Out Of Body Experience Sounds. Regardless of the method utilized, we all require to move about the day in daily activities. We can all develop methods to take advantage of the waking hours to help foster out of body experiences. At least, it worked for me.
Virtually all of my out of body experiences occurred prior to drifting off to sleep, or immediately prior to awakening. It seemed that my success rate of out of body experiences are somehow related to these waking daily activities. Like Einstein, you must experiment with a variety of tactics.
To sum up this Blog
Experiencing out of body sounds means having an out of body experience. I simply employed the cycle of daily living in a manner that encouraged this to happen. For more information on Out Of Body Experiences, link here youtube.com/watch?v=DTSM626ZhGA
Blog #3… “The Process of Falling Asleep”
To Be Continued