Illustration #1 – Graphic Illustration Of The Continuum
To facilitate your understanding of the Sound portion of the Continuum, I’ve divided this Graphic Illustration of the Continuum into two parts. A variety of sensory/perceptual sounds can be heard or otherwise perceived along the Continuum. These sounds can be perceived: Prior to falling asleep; While in the process of slipping into the sleep state while I’m conscious of my condition; While falling asleep into an unconscious state; Prior to dreaming; During a dream.
Part I represents the onset of the Continuum. At the onset of the Continuum, I still have conscious control over these Events. This is because the Continuum does not yet have an independent life of its own. It’s possible to terminate these Events by either, awakening, mentally attempting to gain control of the Event, or body movement. Even subtle body movements could “Reintegrate” me from the sleeping state back into my body/ego conscious.
The Buzzing Sound Along The Continuum
However as the Continuum advances to Part II, I now have no control over the Events in the Continuum. As a result, all I can do is be a witness to these Events. Once the Continuum commences, it could progress to any point along the Continuum string. However, the sounds could also retreat back along the path is just came from all the way to the commencing point. The Continuum can advance or retreat along its path in smooth successive small stages. It could also advance/retreat in major leaps skipping stages as it advances or retreats to its starting point.
The more rapidly the Continuum advances, the more likelihood the Continuum will proceed to the endpoint. One reason for this is that as the Continuum rapidly advances, the less likely my mental processes can have an opportunity to intervene. The resulting endpoint being an Out Of Body Experience.
This progression of related sounds is the essence of the sound portion of the Continuum. Even if I’m not aware that the Continuum is in progress, the Events along the Continuum proceed none-the-less. This being the case, I could become aware of these sounds at any point along the Continuum.
* Once I’m at or near the end of Part II of the Continuum, I’m at the point where I may experience what I’ve termed, the “Void Out”. The Void Out is a virtual loss of any bodily sensations, emotions, or thoughts. However, while the Void Out is occurring, I am fully aware of what is taking place. The Void Out usually occurs following an Energizing Burst. It may also occur prior to or soon after an Out Of Body Experience. (More on the “Void Out” in later Blogs
The Continuum is not merely comprised of sounds
Final Note: There are other components of the Continuum besides sounds. One component are Dreams & Dream Symbols. Another component is a fascinating physical phenomena that appears to be a circulatory phenomena traversing either on the surface of my skin or inside my body. I’ve experienced this circulatory phenomena in two parts. The first is an audible Buzzing sound. While the buzzing sound is in progress, I also feel a sensation traversing across the surface of my skin. I’ve termed this phenomenon as the “Finger Buzz”. While I hear the buzzing sound, I also feel the sensation as if a finger is drawing a picture across the surface of my skin. Hence the term, Finger Buzz. Below I’ve posted an illustration of this phenomena titled, “Finger Buzz” Illustration #2. This illustration describes where I feel this “Finger Buzz” traversing across my skin.
As you can plainly see, the Continuum possesses several components and not solely sounds. I will illustrate where these other components generally occur along the Continuum in later Blogs. Link back to Post Out Of Body Dream Symbols.