Graphic Illustration #3 – Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES)
Intermediate Phase Of The DLES
There are several Events leading up to the Deafeningly Explosive Sound. I will refer to this sound as the Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES). I’ve linked Illustration #3, which graphically displays the DLES from it’s inception until it’s completion: The Graphic Illustration ranging from #1 – #6 represents the full extent of the Deafeningly Explosive Sound. The portion of the graph between #1 – #4 will be referred to as the Intermediate DLES. I’ve referred to it as the Intermediate phase because the Continuum did not progress beyond #5. I will refer to #5 as the Barrier. (This Barrier probably corresponds to my dream symbol Barriers). If the Continuum is able to move beyond #5, this Phase is becomes the Completed phase of the DLES. The Continuum’s ability to move beyond #5 (the Barrier), seems to be the ultimate objective of the Continuum.
The Completed Phase Of The DLES
Once the DLES enters the Completed Phase, the Continuum won’t be as stable as during prior phases along the Continuum. In other words, while in the Completed phase, the Continuum can’t remain stationary. While entering the Completed phase, the Continuum must preform one of two functions. It must explosively burst forward beyond #6, or, very rapidly reverse & retreat back towards the beginning, #1. If the Completed phase retraces back to #1, it could retreat all the way to the beginning of the Continuum. The beginning would be the Purring phase of the Continuum #0. I’ve linked to this prior Purring phase here: This Completed Phase either results in an Out Of Body Experience or the often experienced Void Out.
Graphic Illustration Of The DLES
The horizontal values from #1 – #6, represents the movement of the Continuum. 1- The Intermediate Phase must speed rapidly from #1 – #4. If it progresses between #4 and #5, sometimes a Tingling Vibrating sensation occurs prior to retreating to #1. 2- It could rapidly retreat to the original starting point, #1, or 3- It could rapidly progress to the Completed Phase of the DLES as it explosively advances to #6. Once it progresses beyond #6, you can experience a merging of sounds & vibrations immediately prior to an out of body experience or a Void Out. 4- During the Intermediate Phase, the DLES rate of progression towards #6 rapidly increases as it moves from #1 – #6.
The Relative Speed of the DLES & The Results Of It’s Progression Along The Continuum
A- The speed from #1 – #2 can be arbitrarily measured by a factor of 2. B- The rate of progression from #2 – #3 increases and doubles by a factor of 4. C- The rate of progression from #3 – #4 now increases by a factor of 8. D- The rate of progression from #4 – #5 now increases by a factor of 16. E- Finally, the rate of progression from #5 – #6 increase by a factor of 32. In other words, the further the DLES advances, the faster it’s rate accelerates. As the DLES accelerates to #5, an accompanying loud sound is audible. Turn the volume to maximum to fully experience the Deafening quality. The sound is Linked here: However if the DLES explodes beyond #6, the DLES is now audible. I’m now in the Void Out/Out Of Body experience. Turn the volume to maximum The sound is linked here:

Rapid Acceleration Of The Deafeningly Explosive Sound
The feature of the DLES rapidly advancing from #1 – #4 then retreat back to #1, can rapidly repeat several times. For example, the Intermediate Phase advancing for #1 – #4 can occur as many as three to four times in rapid succession. These three to four rapid Intermediate advancing & retreating can span a total of two seconds. An audio of these rapidly repeating Intermediate Phase sounds is linked here (Turn the volumn to maximum):
This process must either terminate at #1, or advance beyond #5 (Barrier) to progress to a Completed Phase. This Completed Phase will either result in an Out Of Body Experience or the often experienced Void Out. I termed it the Void Out because once it occurs, the explosive rush of sound drowns out everything audible. Immediately following this DLES, all sensory & tactile perceptions are momentarily negated. Any prior thoughts occurring at this time are also temporarily extinguished. Even if you were experiencing a sense of floating, this too would be momentarily negated from any awareness. In a words, the DLES can result in a Void phenomenon. I will describe in more detail the concept of the Void Out In Blog 14. This link redirects you to the Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES) Post Page