Blog #24 DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Skull

DLES Energy rushing through your skull
Energy rushing through your skull


Advisory: I thought it’d be a good idea for first time readers review the key Terms you’ll come across while reading this Blog, “Energy Rushing Through Your Skull”.  You can review the term Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES) by reviewing Blog #13.  Additionally, you review the the term Void Out in Blog #14.

The DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Skull

One of the most intensive DLES experiences I’ve had occurred in 1992.  This particular DLES combined all the facets of the continuum.  It commenced as a Subtle Flutter sound.  A sample  of that Flutter sound is linked here:  The subtle Flutter progresses to a discernable audible Buzzing sound.  A sample of that Buzzing sound is Linked here:  As you will soon read, these small beginnings eventually lead to the phenomena of “Energy Rushing Through Your Skull”.  Read on.

Additionally, if this phenomena progresses, it could develop into a Completed DLES.  A Completed DLES produces a unique sound.  I’ve linked three samples of the DLES sound.  To fully experience the effect of this overwhelming DLES sound, slide the Sound Module Volume & your P.C. Volume to their maximum sound levels.  The overwhelming  DLES sound is Linked here: 

The DLES sound might occur a single time.  However the DLES Sound could also develop a rhythm of repeating Double/Triple Sounds.  You can sample those repeating Double/Triple DLES sounds at these two Links:                                                                                                Imagine sampling these 3 DLES sounds with headphones on!                                                                      Finally, the Completed DLES sound will culminates with a Void Out experience.  Suppose this phenomena is the Energy Rushing through your skull that precedes an Out Of Body Experience.

The Completed DLES Occurs In Three Distinct Stages

Stage 1…This episode commenced as a simple Fluttering sound.  Next, the Fluttering sound becomes a subtle perceptual Buzzing Hum Vibrating sound.  This Buzzing Hum sound might progress into a quickening Accumulation of Energy sound originating in the center of my skull.
Stage 2…Once sufficient Energy had accumulated, this resulted in a succession of DLES sounds.  The DLES could occur once or a rapid succession of 2-4 DLES burst, each DLES series lasting 3-5 seconds in duration.
Stage 3…Eventually, each rapid series of 3-4 DLES would result in a Void Out phenomena.  This rapid three Stages could repeatedly occur several times before terminating.

                                                                         ILLUSTRATION #5                                                                                 The DLES Energy Rushing Through Your Skull

Graphic Illustration of Deafening Loud Explosive Sound (DLES) as it Explodes through the skull region.
These 2 Head views illustrates where the Burst Of Energy originates.  The Red Arrows represents the direction that the Rushing Energy travels within the skull.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Click On The Image To Enlarge The View Of The Heads

Two head views of the Explosion of Energy, AKA The Deafening Loud Explosive Sound (DLES), as it originates inside the Center Rear of the Skull.  The DLES then rapidly Rushes forward & EXITS directly through a region between my eyes & above my nose.  As a result of the DLES exiting my head, a VOID OUT WILL ALWAYS occur!  Sometimes (following a brief pause), an Out Of Body Experience could follow in the aftermath of this burst of Energy Phenomena exiting my skull.

As the DLES Energy begins to generate, a definite Accumulation of Energy sensation occurs within the skull.  This Accumulation of Energy is similar to a car engine revving up.  Once sufficient Energy has been Accumulated, a tipping point is reached triggering the DLES to rapidly rush through the skull exiting between the eyes.  The volume created by this phenomena is overwhelming loud & is accompanied by a strong sensation of Vibrations lasting 3-5 seconds in duration.  The strong Vibrations can be compared to the sensation of:                                                                                                                                            1. An automobile traveling over Rumble Strips.  Rumble strips are a road safety feature alerting drivers by causing a tactile vibration and audible rumbling transmitted through the wheels into the vehicle interior.  However the overwhelming DLES Vibrations feels as though all 32 teeth will be dislodged from your jaw.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. The Vibrations produced by a jet flying through unbelievably strong turbulence.                                                                                                                        3. A bus driving rapidly over a dozen huge potholes.  I cannot over emphasize the magnitude of these powerful vibrations.

The DLES Sound Contains Several Distinct Qualities 

While listening to this DLES sound link, notice the following sequence of sound effects:
1. As the DLES sound commences, the volume is low.                                                                                                                                                                      2. The Volume becomes progressively louder.                                                                                                                                                                                3. The Pace/Velocity of the sound exponentially increases.                                                                                                                                                              4. The volume ultimately becomes deafeningly loud as it drowns all of the senses.                                                                                                                          5. Once the loud DLES sound is completed, the DLES volume now rapidly decays & rapidly grows silent.  The DLES sound terminates quicker than it commenced.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6. Lastly, the DLES sound might occur once or the Sound could progress to repeating Double/Triple DLES sounds.

As you can hear, the DLES phenomena is a three phase phenomena.  However the DLES is composed of two distinct segments.  The first is the Sound segment & the second is the Vibration segment.  I’ll explore these two segments in Blog #25, “The Two Segments Of The DLES”.

Blog #25…“The Two Segments Of The DLES” – Scheduled to be posted April 15, 2021      


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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