Brief Synopsis Of The Two Components Of The DLES. DLES components Sound & Vibrations
For those of you not familiar with this site, it would benefit you to review the following linked Blogs. Reviewing these Blogs would aide you to fully understand the thrust of this Blog.
- Blog #5 Sounds Heard During Out Body Experiences. 2. Blog #13 Deafeningly Loud Out Body Sound. 3. Blog #23 Second Look At The Vibrations Phenomena. 4. Blog #12 Out Of Body Vibrations.
Based upon my personnel experience, the DLES (Definingly Loud Explosive Sound), is comprised of two distinct yet intertwined components. For examples, the first component is represented as Sound. Equally important, the second component is represented as Vibrations. When combined, these are the DLES components sound & vibrations.
The Sound Component Of The DLES
As I’ve already described in an earlier Blog, the DLES portion of the Continuum commences as a mild Fluttering/Purring sound. However as the DLES progressed along the Sound Continuum, the volume of these sounds can gradually increase. These volume of the sounds can increase from a mild Purring/Flutter, into a Deafening thunderous roar. These Progressive sounds have been categorized into the following six sound categories. I’ve linked a typical sampling of these sounds representing the six categories. * (Review this link to Blog #7 for an explanation describing the concept of the Continuum).
- Purring sound. 2. Buzzing/Mosquito sound. 3. Electrical sound. 4. Energizing sound. 5. Wah-Wah sound. 6. Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES). (Turn your volume to maximum to experience the full Deafening effect of the DLES sound).
Visit the Out Of Body Sound Module where you can sample these six categories in more detail. You’ll hear a more extensive range of these sounds.
If these sounds along this Continuum progresses to it’s ultimate conclusion, eventually the final sound in this sequence is the Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound, AKA the DLES. This final sound can culminate to a deafening thunderous experience. As my prior Blogs indicated, once the sound Continuum commences, sounds wont necessarily progress to the DLES. In fact, most of the times, these sounds will eventually retreat to an earlier stage along the Continuum.

The Vibration Component Of The DLES
The Vibrations can commence as a subtle perceived sensation on or across the surface of your Skin/Body. Moreover these sensations can then progress to be experienced as stronger vibrations. Ultimately becoming an avalanche of Deafening sound. These Vibrations/Tremors may resemble speedily driving over 50 potholes. However, the ultimate Potential end goal could develop into an Out Of Body Experience. The magic word is POTENTIAL. Why do I say potential? Because in my experience, the overwhelming majority don’t result in an Out Of Body episode. Different individuals may offer a different result. I open up our Forum to Subscribers to present their stories. The website’s Forum is open for Subscribers to present their stories. Although any website User can review all Forum topics, only Subscribers can create new Forum topics.
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The Merging Of The DLES Components Sound & Vibrations
Now we come to the grand finale. The Merging Of The Sound & Vibration Phenomena. Once activated, the stage is set to for a rapidly occurring: DLES > Void Out > Potential Out Of Body Experience
I believe this area deserves a Blog all to itself. As a result, I’ll discuss the Merging Of The Sound & Vibration Phenomena in the next Blog.
Consciousness, whether we’re aware of it or not, appears to have some effect on these internal processes. Since Consciousness has some role to play in this process, further inquiry would shed a light on this area of inquiry. All to be investigated at a latter date. As an aside, I’ve linked an interesting research that I may delve into in the near future. For a head’s up, review this link: Scientist successfully communicated with Lucid Dreamers. Happy Lucid Dreaming!
Glossary Of Unusual l Terminology
Last Updated On April 21, 2021
*During the course of writing my Blogs, it was necessary to devised a vocabulary to adequately explain my experiences. In an effort to help you follow my line of thinking, I’ve published the, “Glossary Of Unusual Terminology”. The Glossary will explain the terminology you’ll encounter while reading the Blogs as well as help you follow my line of thinking. A link to the Glossary is also located in the Main Menu. Please note, this Glossary is a work in progress, therefore it will be updated periodically. Glossary Link
Blog #26…”The Merging Of The Sound & Vibration Phenomena” Scheduled to be posted May 15, 2021
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