Contributing Factors To The Continuum’s Functioning
After reviewing my Dream Journal notes from 1993, I’ve decided to divide this Post topic into four to five separate Posts. This series commences with Blog #18 which is merely a brief introduction into the Contributing Factors to the Continuum’s Functioning. I will provide you a full spectrum of a dream analysis that I consider to be the epitome of the interplay between the Spirit, the Continuum & Dreams. Therefore the subsequent 3 – 4 Blog Post will contain a more elaborate discussion on this topic.
I Will Illustrate This By Describing A Dream That Typifies My Idea
1. I’m traveling by vehicle or train along a FLAT road at a slow velocity. 2. The vehicle’s velocity now speeds up at an incredibly fast rate. 3. At this time, the road/train tracks transform into a roller-coaster pattern where each progressive elevation is by the roller coaster descending. 4. Typically, this rapid succession of ascending creates an Energy build-up, which is then followed by a rapid succession of descending phase Void Outs. This repeating ascending/descending roller coaster effect creates a repeating series of Energy Buildup then Void Outs. 5. The results: A repeating series of Deafeningly Loud Explosive Sound (DLES) producing a series of Void Outs. This appears to culminate in reaching the endpoint of the Continuum
Graphic Illustration #4 – The Circulation Dream Pattern Symbol
While the Roller Coaster Dream Symbology is easy to picture, there exists another dream symbol that also typifies this Culmination effect. I’ve graphically Illustration of a Circulation Symbol. A dream which depicts this effect occurred where I’m viewing the top of a rectangular object. In this dream, the rectangular object was a birds-eye view of the top of a trash can. As I viewed the top of the trash can, two White lines started circulating around the top edge of the trash can. I’ve attached Illustration #4 to display its appearance.
Illustration #4 has all the facets of a Completed DLES. It possesses: 1. A Beginning (the starting points for both circulations). 2. Energizing Energy Buildup (represented by circulations). 3. A merger at #7 (sort of a trigger point of no return leading to a Void Out). 4. Ascension (representative of energy bursting forward). 5. Then eventually a successful culmination at #10 (The complete DLES).
All events along the Continuum can potentially reach a complete DLES, resulting in an Out Of Body Experience. Illustration #4 displays Dream Symbols that are as significant as any other symbology along the Continuum. Be those symbols, sounds, vibrations, or in this case, visual symbols. All symbols appear to play a similar role to events along the Continuum.
Two Similarly Related Dream Examples Of This Circular Pattern Follows
Dream 1 1. I dreamt someone was moving their finger across the surface of my body. 2. I felt their finger vibrating on my body. 3. Upon awakening from this dream, the vibrations continued uninterrupted directly into my consciously awakened state. 4. I obviously incorporated a facet from the dream Continuum directly into my wakened state.
Dream 2 1. I commenced by laying consciously AWAKE in bed. I begin to experience a vibration traveling across my body. 2. As I then drifted into a lucid dream, I incorporated the vibrations from my Conscious self directly into my dream! The incorporation of vibrations from the Awake conscious state directly into my dream occurred seamlessly & immediately. 3. I’ve entered a Lucid dream. There is now a dream person moving their vibrating finger across my body. 4. I’ve now directly incorporated a conscious event directly into my lucid dream.
Wrap-Up Contributing Factors to the Continuum’s Functioning
The goal of these two dream examples was to demonstrate Conscious input vs. Unconscious input into Dreams/Continuum activity. I’d estimate that no more than 2% of my dream content is a result of conscious input on my part. In other words, to re-state this in another way, I conclude that some creative factors must initiate, sustain & then orchestrate the vast flow of the Dream/Continuum that we are unaware of.
To sum up, I’d like to pose some final thoughts here. I believe, and this is strictly my biased opinion, that during sleep, either your daily activity OR some unseen force determines the flow of your dreams. (This would occur whether your conscious or unaware of this). Either we are the sole source of our dream input. Or humans possess some quality, that controls/guide us to whatever end. You can call this guiding force Soul, Spirit, Prana, God, etc. The degree to which these forces have control/dominance over our existence goes way beyond the scope of my Blog. None-the-less, for those of you that are partial to a more Scientific explanation, the following YouTube interview by a renowned Doctor could be instructive in this area. I’ve attached a link to the interview here: Mind/Body Connection.
You may believe we are merely higher level animals mechanically existing. Or, you may believe there is some higher God force at work… You’ll simply have to figure that one out for yourself.
Blog 19…”A Spiritual Mixture: The Soul, The Continuum & Dreams” – Scheduled to be posted October 15, 2020