Blog #29 Review Of Continuum Related Dream Events

A Man rising out of his body during sleeping
Man rising out of his body during a Continuum Related Dream Events

Continuum Related Dream Events

To start with, I’ll review what Continuum Related Dream Events are.  To aide you understand the concept of Continuum Events, navigate to this Link for a more concise description of Continuum Related Dream Events.  Therefore as you can see, the term Events are both my Subjective & Objective experiences.  All humans have the same basic building blocks of Biology, DNA, Innate Intelligence & a Spirituality Dimension.  As a result, both Individual & Social related Symbols/Representations will comprise of these so called Events.  The actual symbols produced, are determined by  your Biology, DNA, Innate Intelligence & Spirituality Dimension.  The Symbols your Psyche will create are also influenced by your Culture, Geographic location, Family relationship etc.  However none-the-less, the basic resulting Archetype must be the same/similar for all humans.  Only the Symbolisms change depending upon one’s culture, beliefs, societal positions etc.

Continuum Related Dream Events From October 28, 1991

What follows is my recorded Journal account of a Dream/Event I had on October 28, 1991.  Note the play of Dream Symbols & Continuum Events represented during this dream.  I awakened from sleeping, (not a dream), and remembered taking a very deep breath with my eyes closed.  At this point, I’m fully conscious.  Within seconds of taking a deep breath, the Buzzing Vibrations commenced.  Additionally, I perceived the Vibrations lasting perhaps 30 seconds in duration, albeit I did not time the length of time the Vibrations.  During 1991 when I initially started to experience these Events, (in this case Buzzing Vibrations), I’d experience fear of this new experience.  Eventually, I learned to overcome this fear & there was no fear during this night.

Pre-Planned Intention To Precipitate Continuum Related Dream Events

During this Event, I remembered to utilize a pre-planned intention designed to avoid any thoughts/emotions/expectations/physical movements during this period of quiescent.  My pre-planned intention reminded me myself to remain totally passive during my Lucid Dream.  In doing so, I’d  simply allow the Events to unfold without any input from myself.  I merely wanted to passively experience this phenomena.  Although I had fleeting thoughts of experiencing an Out Of Body Experience, but that did not occur at this time.  I chose to remain laying conscious in bed rather than waking to tape record or write in my Journal about this period.

Out Of Body Dreamscape Symbols

Latter that night, I drifted into a dream.  However I recall incorporating the Events of this night directly into my Dreamscape.  During this dream, I incorporated another Symbol into my Dreamscape.  I was consciously Lucid dreaming at that time.  I then experienced viewing a “Light Bulb” shinning above & behind my head.  This Light Bulb was not very bright.  I wanted to pull the blanket over my face to prevent light from shinning in my eyes should the Ball Of White Light return.  I’ve Linked to Blog #17 that describes this Ball Of White Light in more detail.  Obviously, the Buzzing Vibrations precipitated and was related to my viewing of this Ball Of Light symbol.  As I lay motionless in bed, I continued experiencing the steady pitch of the Buzzing Vibrations.  *Advisory:  The Glossary Of Unusually Terminology was updated July 12, 2021.  Check it out. 
After waking, I journaled about my experiences with the Buzzing-Vibrations.


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I Was Lucid Throughout This Episode

Reviewing the Events of the night, I recall viewing my apartment as if standing a few feet from the head of my bed.  I don’t recall actually traversing the distance from my bed to being a few feet from my bed.  It’s as if I materialized from my pillow to being three feet from the head of my bed.                              During this experience, I chose to not wake up so that I may experience as much of the Continuum’s Events as possible.  After waking, I journaled about my experiences.


The sequence of Events were:                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Sleeping.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. Consciously waking from sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                  3. One deep Inhalation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4. Hearing a Buzzing sound.                                                                                                                                                                                                            5. Feeling mild Vibrations.                                                                                                                                                                                                               6. Strictly adhering to a pre-arranged plan to remain passive & motionless.  (No thoughts; no emotions; no intentions; no desires).                                            7. I Consciously entered a Dream.                                                                                                                                                                                                    8. My Psyche incorporated the Events (Buzzes/Vibrations) into the Dreamscape.                                                                                                                          9. My Psyche now adds another Continuum Event.  A brilliant Ball Of White Light.  (This Ball Of White Light corresponds to the White Light mentioned earlier in this Blog).                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10. I discover myself a few feet above & behind my pillow, viewing my bed room.

Is there a relationship between Continuum related Dreams & Out Of Body Experiences?  I clearly believe there is some degree of relationship.  Discovering & exploring the nature of that relationship is the intent of this Blog.  To be continued.

Last but not least, do the “Continuum” related sounds foretell an eminent Out Of Body Experience?  I’ll review my Journal for related experiences & discuss them in the upcoming Blogs.  For more information on Out Of Body Techniques, follow this link.

*My open invitation for Subscribers/Members/Commenters to submit an essay for publication on this website remains in effect.  Thought provoking ideas are out there waiting to be Published.  I’ll post anything pertinent to the Theme of this website.  Send your essays to: or Contact me via this website’s “Contact Us” Form with your essays.  Please contact me prior to September 7, 2021 to allow sufficient time to include your submission in the next Blog.

Join In The Fun!!! 

Blog #30…”Continuum Related Dream Events part 2″ or “Essays Submitted By Subscribers” – Scheduled to be posted September 15, 2021


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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