Just A Quick review From The Conclusions Of The Prior Blog, Blog #20
(This Blog is the second of three Blogs series featuring the Cat/Rat dream)
As the dream Continuum progresses, the corresponding Cat Rat Dream Symbols scenery also simultaneously changes to correspond to the changes within the Continuum. Once the Tree was added to the dream scenery, the Tree then becomes a pivotal dream symbol. The Tree symbolizes that the Continuum has advanced & the preparations are in place to produce a DLES/Out Of Body episode. Since the primary goal of the Continuum is to result in an Out Of Body episode, the Tree will now become the focal point for two Continuum related Events. The DLES & an Out Of Body episode. *For those of you who feel a bit befuddled by this opening paragraph, take hart. I will discuss the Tree’s pivotal role & it’s symbolic meaning latter in this Blog.
The Three Continuum Sounds Related To The Cat/Rat Dream
In the order the sounds occur on the Continuum: 1. The Incomplete DLES. 2. An Engine Revving Up (gathering energy). Play the 3 sounds in sequence to appreciate the Progressive accumulation Revving Up effect: 20 13 12 3. The Successful DLES/Out Of Body Episode. Turn the volume level up to the maximum to appreciate the Deafening quality of this sound.
A Brief Dream Overview
As indicated in Blog #20, the dream symbols of the Tree & Cat/Rat, corresponds with the sounds along the Continuum. What can be characterized as a Mild Continuum Buzzing Volume results in the two animals entering the dream scenery. (Link to read the Blog on Buzzing sounds). Again in order of Continuum occurrence: 1. As the volume increases, the rate of the chase around the tree trunk correspondingly increases. 2. Once the sound progresses to a higher pitch tone, the symbolic nature of the dream symbols also changes. The Cat/Rat run up the Tree (an Elevation symbol). As the high pitch tone decreases, the animals correspondingly run back down the Tree. 3. Finally, depending upon the sound volume of the Continuum, the Cat either chases the Rat around the Tree OR the Cat chases the Rat completely out of the dream scenery. At this point, the only remaining Continuum sound is a low volume Buzz & the corresponding dream symbol is the Tree.
The Tree Symbol
*Now to discuss the Tree symbol in more detail. The Symbol of the Tree is a vitally important symbol involving the interplay between the Continuum & Dream Symbols. Activity along the Continuum was the generator for your Psyche to include The Tree symbol with the dream. Based on my notes and of course my own inferences, he Tree Symbol represents the following events corresponding Continuum:
1. The mere presence of an Elevation symbol, in this case the symbol is the Tree, signifies the Continuum is engaged in the potential for having an Out Of Body Experience. It only awaits further Continuum activity to advance along the Continuum. In this case, the Continuum sounds of Buzzes will introduce the Cat/Rat into the scenery. 2. Viewing the Tree was similar to other Elevation symbols I’ve experienced during dreams. Examples of Elevation symbols such as tall buildings; tall trees; the crest of a roller coaster, all represented Elevations symbols. 3. The mild increase in Continuum volume sound results in the two animals re-entering the scenery. However, as long as the Continuum volume remains low level & steady, the animals are satisfied to steer at each other while standing next to the Tree. 4. The increase in Buzz volume now triggers the animals to commence Circulating around the Tree. This Circulation represents the Revving Sound an Engine makes accumulating Energy. (Link to Blog on Circulation Concept). Two Illustrations on Circulation Patterns: 1 2 5. As the Buzzing volume increases, the animals commence running around the Tree at a quickening pace. 6. Once the pitch of the sounds increases to it’s highest degree, a tipping point then occurs, whereupon the DLES is triggered. Crossing this tipping point is tantamount to Crossing The Border dream symbol. Whereupon, the animals pace quickens even more as they ZOOM up the tree & out of view. The Zooming up the Tree also represents the dreamers nearing an Out Of Body Experience. As the Continuum stabilizes, the dream scenery reappears with a mild buzz sound. The Tree reappears along with & both animals steering at each other next to the Tree.
Summary Of The Cat Rat Dream Symbols
These Events can both occur along the Continuum while corresponding dream symbols take place. 1. Events along the Continuum may only occur once then retreat back along the Continuum. 2. The Events may reoccur repeatedly while not culminating in a DLES/Out Of Body Episode. In this case the Events would retreat back along the Continuum. 3. The Events can repeatedly occur until finally culminating in a DLES/Out Of Body episode. 4. A Void Out or a full blown Out Of Body Experience would occur. If I happen to be consciously aware of this occurring phenomena, I might discover myself in a Void Out, an Out Of Body state or immersed in a Lucid Dream. If I’m in a Lucid Dream, I would be consciously aware of how I arrived in this Lucid Dream along with the meaning of the dream symbols. I would then experiment with these Out Of Body Dream Symbols, searching for various interpretation, or some hidden unconscious issues I need to cope with. The Void Out dream scenery can be represented by a Blank White Emptiness background without any imagery or form. This empty scenery corresponded to the lack of Continuum sounds with accompanying Floating sensations. 5. Of supreme importance is to recall these Events upon waking up. To accomplish this during the Lucid Dream I’d perform one of two tasks: 1. I’d instruct myself to either immediately wake up from the dream whereupon I’d record my experiences.
2. During the Lucid Dream, I’d give myself one of two prearranged instructions to recall this Phenomena. First option. I could recall the Lucid Dream/Out Of Body episode as soon as I awaked the next morning. Second option would occur while standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving/brushing my teeth. The trigger for this recollection is triggered by viewing the image of my face/eyes in the mirror. At that point a flood of dream memories could occur, whereupon I’d record them immediately. Immediate recordings are vital due to the Ephemeral nature of remembering dreams.
Blog #22 will be the third & final Blog in the 3 part series of the Cat/Rat dream.
Blog #22…”The Cat/Rat Out Of Body Symbols” – Scheduled to be posted January 15, 2021.