Blog #17 Ball Of White Light

A person traveling through a tunnel while moving towards the light
Viewing the Ball Of White Light

Ball Of White Light

This Post will resume where I left off from Blog #16.  As the Continuum progresses beyond the Completed DLES, other related phenomena can occur.  Following a  Void Out, (also described as a brief empty pause), I’d occasionally experience viewing a Ball Of White Light.  The following dream sequence will detail how this might develop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1. A DLES occurs, complete with a Void Out.                                                                                                                                                                                  2. The next event experienced is the Ball Of White Light.                                                                                                                                                                3. This Ball Of White Light is usually perceived to be about one foot above my head & could become intensely luminous.                                                          4. The white light is so intensely brilliant, that I’m unable to maintain a prolonged view of the light.  I perceive myself wincing as if directly viewing a   brilliant sun!

Needless to say, the White Light is primarily viewed following a Completed DLES.  However, on one occasion I awakened to a state of conscious awareness.  I was then facing this Ball Of White Light without having first perceiving I underwent the Completed DLES phase.  I assumed that I experienced the Completed DLES while unconsciously asleep, therefore I was unaware of its occurrence.

The elapsed time I can remain aware of this Ball of Light depends upon my ability to remain consciously aware.  Remaining aware is comparable to remaining aware/lucid during a typical lucid dream.  Remaining lucid during a dream requires effort.  Losing awareness results in lapsing into unconscious dreaming.  The same occurs while being in the Void-Out state.  Once losing awareness during my Void-Out state, I’d typically lapse into unconsciousness or move directly into a dream.

Dream Symbols Representative Of The Ball Of White Light

An example of a dream containing the Ball Of White Light:                                                                                                                                                              1. Viewing the white headlights of an approaching car.                                                                                                                                                                    2. As the automobile reached my position, a distinct Buzzing sound along with a Void Out occurred.                                                                                              3. At this point, I’m now viewing an immensely bright sun through a large window.                                                                                                                          4. While viewing this bright white sun, I then experienced an overwhelming joyful sensation.

This overwhelmingly joyful sensation virtually drowns out everything.  It’s as if I’ve become part of an “overwhelming acceptance”.  This drowning out sensation is similar to the drowning out sensation that a Void Out experience produces.  However, there is one very significant difference.  The Void Out does not produce this overwhelming sense of acceptance.


The brilliant White Light, in whatever format, is a Progression beyond the routine Void Out experience along the Continuum.                                                   You can read a scientific-based study on various meditation-induced light experiences derived from Buddhist practitioners.  Review the following link::

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Blog #18…”Contributing Factors to the Continuum’s Functioning” –  Scheduled to be posted September 30, 2020


I've been experiencing Out Of Body episodes for over 30 years. I've explored this topic insatiably & hope to impart some insight to the website visitors.

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